Copyright Information

This site contains various copyrighted material displayed on our Family of Mustelids and Mustelids in Media pages.

• All screen captures and photos that are not within the public domain are © their respective owners. They are used on this site without express permission (unless otherwise stated) for the purpose of commentary, reviews, and education. All images listed through Creative Commons were given appropriate attribution, as requested from the information we were able to find. To further comply with non-commercial copyright licenses, most media links are directed to Wikipedia (or similar variants) and the Internet Movie Database, and none are directly to online retail or customer-to-customer sales.

• We are a nonprofit organisation and receive no monetary compensation for any content on this site. Any request by official sources calling for the removal of their copyrighted material will be honoured within 24 to 48 hours. Please contact us with any concerns.

• All Anatomy Tutorial illustrations and photos within Photo Gallery are copyrighted by their owners and may not be redistributed unless otherwise labelled with a CC BY-NC 2.0 license.

This is a site created by wildlife enthusiasts with the intent to improve mustelid disposition and portrayed anatomy, as well as further educate those who wish to learn more about these animals.