Taking realistic, semi-realistic, toony, and Japanese animation style differences into consideration, below we have provided a list of 20 mustelids in animation we feel in our opinion deserve recognition for looking like (or close to) the species they were meant to represent. Although we do not need these characters to be perfect paragons of goodness, many of them were also given less typecast roles. Lastly, while some character species may not be confirmed, most within this list can be identified by factoring in their distinctive features, location, and country of production.
Due to limiting our list to 20, it is subject to change as more well depicted characters are discovered. We will also attempt to keep the species diverse. The order in which these characters appear do not reflect our rating.
#1 Okojo-san (Japanese: オコジョさん)
From the manga series Okojo-san by Ayumi Uno.
The anime adaptation is by Radix (now Radix Ace Entertainment Co.).
Species: Stoat, non-specific (likely a Eurasian stoat)
Written in an absurd and humorous tone, the series features a male stoat with a leaf on his head, which serves as a visual aid in showing senses and emotion. The once wild Okojo-san escapes from a pet store and is found unconscious by college student Haruka Tsuchiya, who brings him home to the apartment complex where he lives. From there on he has to learn to adapt to the human world, facing eccentric neighbours, their pets and household items on a daily basis.
Proud and confident, Okojo-san sees himself as a tough guy and everyone or everything he meets as a challenge to be won, and rather than being portrayed as a little furred human, he displays typical behaviour of weasels on occasion, like caching large piles of food. A male ferret named Tatchin and a few other stoats show up to play alongside the main character, making this one of the few works of media where mustelids are truly allowed to shine in the limelight.
Although primarily in his white winter coat throughout the series, Okojo-san does have a summer and spring/autumn transition coat. The word “okojo” means stoat in Japanese, and seeing one in ermine is regarded as a sign of good luck, particularly the Japanese or Hondo stoat subspecies (Mustela erminea nippon). This may partly explain why so many stoats in Japanese media are primarily drawn in their winter coats.
#2 Rommel (Japanese: ロンメル)
From the Sunrise anime series Gundam Build Divers and Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise.
Species: Stoat, non-specific (likely a Eurasian stoat)
Rommel is a powerful and deep-voiced strategist who leads the 7th Panzer Division. A tactical and forward planning leader, he is highly respected in the series. What is perhaps most interesting about his personality, is despite being a serious high ranking official, he is extremely permissive about being petted or held while in public view.
His name is likely in reference to the German general and military theorist Erwin Rommel (pun: Ermine Rommel), who also commanded a 7th Panzer Division. Some felt it would have been more appropriate if Rommel had been a fox, in reference to Erwin Rommel’s nickname “Desert Fox”. We get it, but there are already a fair amount of foxes in animation, so we are glad they decided to go with something different.
His semi-anthropomorphic anatomy is spot-on. He appears to always be in his ermine coat, and the creators did not neglect to include the iconic black-tipped tail of his species. His full character sheet.
#3 Pantalaimon (Eurasian pine marten form)
From the New Line Cinema, BBC One and HBO TV series His Dark Materials.
Species: Eurasian pine marten
This British fantasy TV series is based on the book series of the same title by Philip Pullman. Pantalaimon is a dæmon, and is the companion of the heroine Lyra Belacqua in the series. He changes into many forms, one of which is of a Eurasian pine marten. Pantalaimon is the cautious and level-headed counterpoint to Lyra’s impulsive, inquisitive, and sometimes reckless character.
This form of Pantalaimon was given amazing detailed features for CGI. The makers of the series visited the British Wildlife Centre to film a Eurasian pine marten named Drogo. While there, they studied the appearance and motion of the species. It is rare to find any species of marten depicted in animation and it is nice to know they did their research to get the anatomy right. Pan’s fur appears darker in the series compared to the photo of Drogo in the link above, and that is because they may have filmed Drogo while he was in his darker summer coat.
#4 Measley (left) and Weasel (right)
From the Telemagination animated series The Animals of Farthing Wood.
Species: Least weasels
These two (larger than average) least weasels are mates and are quite the rambunctious sort, but most animals within White Deer Park are fond of them. They show concern for other animals in the area and offer to help when they can. Weasel’s mate Measley first appears in season 2, while their offspring Fido and Cleo appear in season 3. Weasel’s voice can become obnoxious for some viewers after a few lines. Her voice for the Dutch version arguably sounds more natural.
This series had a habit of constantly changing its style, contributing to Weasel and Measley becoming more anthropomorphised than other animal characters by season 3. In some scenes, Measley was even given rodent buck teeth. Nevertheless, they were weasel-like enough in the first two seasons to make this list.
#5 Hervé Le Furet (left) and François (right)
These two are the mascots for a French insurance comparator company, Lesfurets.
Species: Ferrets
Prior to 2022, you could find plenty of commercial shorts staring these ferrets on video-sharing platforms like YouTube. They have gone through several character redesigns over the years, with Hervé’s design in the 2010s appearing the most ferret-like.
#6 Lulu
From the Disney Television Animation animated series Sofia the First.
Species: North American mink
Lulu is Princess Hildegard’s pet. Unfortunately, for such a good design she hardly appears in the series at all—being completely overshadowed by other characters to the point where she is often in the background.
We believe she is based on a farm-bred North American mink, because they are the only of the two species called “mink” that come in a variety of colours apart from the standard brown. What also gives it off are certain anatomical characteristics, such as the rounded head, wide muzzle, large nose, and small ears.
#7 Iwashidani (Japanese: イワシダニ)
From the manga series Hakumei and Mikochi by Takuto Kashiki. The anime adaptation is by Lerche.
Species: Japanese weasel
Iwashidani is a member of the local construction association and Hakumei’s senior colleague, boss and mentor. At first glance Iwashidani seems gruff and serious, but can be both caring, hot-headed and awkward, making him one of the most nuanced personalities in the series. Much of this is thanks to the titular characters, who puts him into a number of situations outside of his comfort zone and helps him grow.
It is not often we see a species of weasel in animation that is not a ferret, stoat, or generic weasel. A reasonable amount of effort was put into his species anatomy and fur markings. Also, if an artist makes the effort to draw a weasel with five toes instead of the typical four seen on canids and felids, it is safe to assume they know their mustelids. The attention to detail is especially evident in some of the official traditional artwork by Takuto Kashiki, where Iwashidani is shown to have the light throat patch that is a distinguishable characteristic of the Japanese weasel.
Both the animated series and the manga feature a number of lesser known species, among them several mustelids! The manga progresses much further than what has been animated so far, and introduces several European badgers or Caucasian badgers, an Asian small-clawed otter, and stoats (likely Eurasian stoats). It should be mentioned that Katen, the vice president of the association, is often confused for a species of badger due to several similarities, but we have identified him as a masked palm civet (a viverrid, not a mustelid). The manga is available to read online.
#8 The Otterton Family
From the Disney 3D computer-animated film Zootropolis.
Species: North American river otters
Even though we do not see much of Emmitt Otterton, and nothing at all of the unnamed children other than in this photo, Mrs. Otterton is portrayed as a sweet wife who tries to be brave as she struggles to find her missing husband throughout the film.
Emmitt and Mrs. Otterton are quite small for their species. In fact, both should have stood more than twice the height of Judy Hopps, whose species was based on a European rabbit (her species was confirmed here during the Zoolapalooza pre-show).
We may never know why Disney decided to make adult otters three-quarters the size of a rabbit, but they did capture their species’ anatomy well.
#9 Name Unknown
From the Pierrot anime adaptation of Selma Lagerlöf’s The Wonderful Adventures of Nils.
Species: Marten, non-specific
He appears in episode 11 teaming up with Mr. Smirre Fox, who tries to catch the geese. Not much character or personality to speak of given the limited screen time and role, but a representation nonetheless. While the species is not clear, it bears resemblance to the sable, North American marten, and Japanese marten in both anatomy and colouration.
#10 Fretje
From the il Luster Productions animated film Trippel Trappel Dierensinterklaas.
Species: Ferret
This is a simple and family-friendly Dutch Christmas movie that follows a trio of animals headed by Fretje the ferret, on their quest to deliver their gift wishlist to Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas) for Saint Nicholas Day. The trio face challenges from other animals and the city around them on their way to the steam ship where Sinterklaas resides. Despite Fretje briefly deviating from the mission once they reach the ship, the trio manage to find Sinterklaas, and bring their own titular Dierensinterklaas to all of their friends.
This movie is difficult to view outside of Europe due to heavy copyright restrictions. DVDs exist, and are locked to region 2. There are digital copy sources where the film may be watched anywhere in the European Union, as long as the purchase is made from the Netherlands.
The fluid animation, design, and flexibility of this character is a great example of an animated ferret in a more toony style. One detail we especially appreciate about Fretje, is that he bounces about on all fours throughout the majority of the film, rather than walking on his hind limbs. He may be anthropomorphised, but his ferret traits are still apparent. He even makes “dooking” sounds when interacting with humans.
#11 Luta (Russian: Лута)
From the Wizart Animation 3D computer-animated films The Snow Queen and The Snow Queen 2: The Snow King.
Species: Weasel, non-specific (likely a least weasel)
Luta is the pet of the main character Gerda. She does not know how to speak, and accompanies the girl in the first part of the film. In the following sequel Luta becomes the companion of another character—the troll Orm.
Although no specific weasel species was given, Luta’s design is probably based on either a ferret, or more likely, a least weasel in winter coat. This is a Russian film, and in Russian media Luta is often called a “ласка”, which translates to “weasel”—a generic common name that often refers to the least weasel.
#12 Mr. Badger
From the 1996 TVC (Television Cartoons) animated film The Willows in Winter.
Species: European badger
There have been many animated versions of The Wind in the Willows, but few capture Mr. Badger’s species as well as this. It is only a shame most of the least weasels and Eurasian stoats in this film looked like old and droopy shrews.
Out of the 6 other badger species and 2 of their distant relatives, more than half of the badgers that appear in Western media tend to be based on the European badger.
#13 Kesha (Russian: соболя Кеши)
From the animated cartoon Старые знакомые.
Species: Sable
Kesha was the mascot of the V Winter Spartakiad of Peoples of the USSR in 1982 and 1984, and become one of the most recognisable symbols of the era. In the year 2000, Kesha became the mascot of winter Siberia in Altai Baranul. In 2004 he once again became the mascot for the Olympic Winter of Krasnoyarsk in the Games of the Peoples of Siberia.
There are many quality trinkets of this stylised sable character representing the Spartakiad of Peoples of the USSR. Learn more about Kesha and his creator at the Kasyanovsky House.
#14 Name Unknown
From the Yakari animated series. (EP114 – A Wolverine in Need)
Species: Wolverine
We actually found a wolverine in animation that has nothing to do with Marvel Comics.
This wolverine appears to either have a cold or dealing with allergies, because he sneezes a lot throughout the episode. He also appears to have trouble seeing well. Considering we rarely see an actual wolverine in animation, the animators did a decent job capturing the anatomy and movements of this character’s species.
#15 The Otters
From the Disney/Pixar animated film Finding Dory.
Species: Sea otters
These sea otters live in the fictional Marine Life Institute of Morro Bay, California. Many of them appear in the film, and they are all portrayed very well. A few even escape their exhibits and come up with a plan to be reunited with their loved ones still in captivity.
#16 Wooster Q. Weasel, alias T.C. “The Creeper”
From the Animalia Productions animated series Animalia.
Species: Long-tailed weasel
T.C. is a long-tailed weasel (he introduces himself as such in season 1, episode 16) who is the main antagonist of the Animalia series. Not much is known about his past other than he was once a decent ruler of Animalia and friend of the current ruler Livingstone T. Lion. Something happened along the way which caused him to become an oppressing tyrant. After being banished from Animalia, he became obsessed with revenge and overthrowing his old friend to once more become ruler of Animalia. Unlike most cartoon weasel villains, T.C. is well-spoken, very intelligent, and cunning—using these skills to his advantage.
The animators captured his long-tailed weasel anatomy and movements very well. Our only complaint is their decision to give him unweasel-like hind legs and paws, since they do not seem to match the same style or level of detail as the rest of his body. Despite this minor artistic complaint, he looks more than decent from the ankles up to make this list.
#17 Dr. Madge Honey Badger
From the Disney 3D computer-animated film Zootropolis.
Species: Ratel
Madge was assigned by Mayor Lionheart to research the condition of the 15 savage mammals at Cliffside Asylum.
The image we have of her is Disney’s concept art shared on Fandom, since there does not seem to be any decent screencaps available that show off her details. Disney managed to capture the look of a ratel (also known as a honey badger) quite well with this character, and it is only unfortunate she was not given a larger role in the film.
#18 Badger
From the Nelvana animated series Franklin.
Species: North American badger
Badger is disabled and must use crutches to move about. Although it is not officially stated on the show, she presumably has cerebral palsy. Though afraid of public speaking, Badger is kind, intelligent, and helpful. She appears in several episodes. Both her mother and father appear in the series as well.
North American badgers in animation are rare compared to European badgers. It is also refreshing to see a mustelid character bringing attention to youth with disabilities—giving children with special needs a character they can relate to and be inspired by.
#19 Pantalaimon (stoat form)
From the New Line Cinema, BBC One and HBO TV series His Dark Materials.
Species: Stoat, non-specific (likely a Eurasian stoat)
This British fantasy TV series is based on the book series of the same title by Philip Pullman. Pantalaimon (or simply Pan) is a dæmon, and is the companion of the heroine Lyra Belacqua in the series. He changes into many forms, but among his favourite is a stoat.
This form of Pan is depicted quite well for CGI. As a stoat, he appears to always be in his white ermine coat. According to a 2007 interview with Mr. Pullman, Leonardo da Vinci’s Lady with an Ermine portrait was one of several inspirations behind the creation of dæmons—perhaps even the very inspiration behind this form of Pan.
For the record, we are also aware of Pantalaimon’s wolverine form, but we do not want Pantalaimon to be disproportionately represented on our top 20 list.
#20 Names Unknown
From the Kratt Brothers Company animated series Wild Kratts. (S4E11 – The Other Martins)
Species: North American martens
These two North American martens appear in this educational children’s series that teaches biology, zoology, and ecology. Each episode typically starts off as live action, then turns into animation, as the two Kratts brothers put on suits to share the powers of the animals they are studying to save them from certain threats. This series is surprisingly informative for its targeted audience, which is nothing short of a rare gem. The animation is very simple, but pretty accurate in regard to anatomy and fur patterns all things considered.
Although they simply call the martens in this episode “pine martens”, they are referring to the North American marten and not the Eurasian pine marten. This cartoon series also feature other mustelids such as the Asian small-clawed otter (S3E13 – Slider, the Otter), North American polecat (S3E3 – Bandito: The Black-Footed Ferret), ratel (S1E10 – Honey Seekers), and many more.
Mustelids in Animation | Our Top 20 Characters